Slovak Wound Healing Society

Slovak Wound Healing Society was founded on December 18th, 2012, by authorisation of presidium of Slovak Medical Association.

Slovak Wound Healing Society is multidisciplinary association of Slovak Medical Association, as well as of Slovak Society of Nurses and Midwifes and Slovak Society of Laborants and Assistants in Healthcare.

Most members of society are doctors and nurses of different specializations with common interest in wound healing.

Primary aim and purpose of the society is education in wound healing, organization of specialized seminars, lectures, and events with common topic of wound healing. Other goals are educational trainings, creation of recommendations, as well as coordination and certification in cooperation with Slovak Ministry of Health, medical associations, as well as other elements in healthcare providing environment.

Slovak language version of a website holds all the information about joining the Slovak Wound Healing Society, activity curriculums, as well as annual activity reports of the Society.

Presidency of the Society

  • President: Doc. MUDr. Marek Čambal, PhD., MHA, MPH
  • Vice-president:  MUDr. Tomáš Kopal
  • Scientific secretary: Prof. MUDr. Ján Koller, PhD.
  • Secretary: MUDr. Martin Huťan PhD, MPH.
  • MUDr. Edward Huľo, PhD.
  • MUDr. Peter Samek, PhD.
  • MUDr. Marián Rošák

Supervisory board

  • Doc. MUDr. Augustín Prochotský, CSc.
  • Doc. MUDr. Eugen Frišman PhD.
  • MUDr. Norbert Thorma, PhD.